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Kulturalna Koalicja dla obywatelskiej Europy: zaproszenie do współpracy
Redakcja (opr.)
Organizacja “A Soul for Europe” zaprasza do współpracy w ramach swojego programu Kulturalna Koalicja dla obywatelskiej Europy w celu podniesienia świadomości na temat Europy jako projektu kulturowego. “A Soul for Europe” zachęca do włączenia się do wspólnej pracy nad Europejską Rezolucją na rzecz Kultury: Wspieranie kultury jako instrumentu na rzecz wartości, demokracji i obywatelstwa. Zaproszenie dostępne jest w języku angielskim.
“A Soul for Europe” invites citizens to work together with their elected representatives in its programme A Cultural Coalition for a Citizens’ Europe to raise awareness of Europe as a cultural project. “A Soul for Europe” invites you to join us in a collaborative work process towards a European Resolution on Culture: Supporting Culture as an Instrument for Values, Democracy, and Citizenship.
The upcoming European elections will be radically different from years past, with the political parties of Europe supporting candidates for President of the European Commission. On 3 March the Berlin Conference 2014 gathered leading representatives of the major European parties to discuss their visions for the future of Europe with European artists and intellectuals. The core of the discussion focused on the potential of culture for building a future Europe of Europeans instead of a Europe for Europeans.
The upcoming European elections will be radically different from years past, with the political parties of Europe supporting candidates for President of the European Commission. On 3 March the Berlin Conference 2014 gathered leading representatives of the major European parties to discuss their visions for the future of Europe with European artists and intellectuals. The core of the discussion focused on the potential of culture for building a future Europe of Europeans instead of a Europe for Europeans.
The text was presented at the Berlin Conference 2014 to José Manuel Barroso (President of the European Commission) and the leaders of the European political parties, including Rebecca Harms (The Greens/European Free Alliance), Jean-Claude Juncker (European People’s Party), Martin Schulz (President of the European Parliament, Party of European Socialists), and Guy Verhofstadt (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe). The leading political figures agreed to keep their doors open and continue to work with “A Soul for Europe” and the Cultural Coalition after the European elections. One of our main aims is to continue the process towards a resolution in the European Parliament during the next five-year political term.
Please visit the “A Soul for Europe” website for the press release and full documentation of the event.
Following the input at the Berlin Conference 2014 and our other past events, this text presents a clear agenda called for by citizens on how culture and Europe can further develop their mutually beneficial relationship in the next 5 year political cycle. We would like to work with you and our entire network to activate this process by firstly continuing to bring culture into the campaign discussions and to secondly drafting and adopting a true resolution in the European Parliament following the elections.
Following the input at the Berlin Conference 2014 and our other past events, this text presents a clear agenda called for by citizens on how culture and Europe can further develop their mutually beneficial relationship in the next 5 year political cycle. We would like to work with you and our entire network to activate this process by firstly continuing to bring culture into the campaign discussions and to secondly drafting and adopting a true resolution in the European Parliament following the elections.
As supporters of “A Soul for Europe,” partners, and participants in A Cultural Coalition for a Citizen’s Europe’s discussions, we value your participation in the activation of the European Resolution for Culture. You can send us a message of support regarding the points presented, send us your vision for the role of culture in the next European Parliament, post on the “A Soul for Europe” website, ask for the support of your elected representatives, discuss the concept in political debates and conferences during the election process, etc. We need your voice to help multiply this message! The PDF is available online, please share it!
We thank you in advance for your active contribution to this process.
Best wishes,
The “A Soul for Europe” Offices
Please email the Brussels office of “A Soul for Europe” at the European House for Culture for more information.
The Strategy Group was set up and its work is made possible with ongoing financial support from the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
The “Cultural coalition for a Citizens’ Europe” is initiated by “A Soul for Europe”’s Strategy Group and its partner organisations: European House for Culture, Felix Meritis Foundation, Setepés, Stiftung Zukunft Berlin, AltArt Foundation, Foundation for Urban Projects and Research, Image Aiguë, and N-ost.
Best wishes,
The “A Soul for Europe” Offices
Please email the Brussels office of “A Soul for Europe” at the European House for Culture for more information.
The Strategy Group was set up and its work is made possible with ongoing financial support from the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
The “Cultural coalition for a Citizens’ Europe” is initiated by “A Soul for Europe”’s Strategy Group and its partner organisations: European House for Culture, Felix Meritis Foundation, Setepés, Stiftung Zukunft Berlin, AltArt Foundation, Foundation for Urban Projects and Research, Image Aiguë, and N-ost.
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