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A new informational resource with the data-base of the youth non-governmental organizations of Bukovina, Ukraine started these days. Find out, what they are interested in, and how they develop their activities.
It’s a window to the non-governmental youth sector of Bukovina for
potential partners from European non-governmental organizations.
Here you can find a partner for a joint international project, post your announcement, invite young people to join the actions of your organization, and influence the European youth movement in general expressing your own opinion.
There’s lots of useful information, links for the youth who aspires to participate in the civic life and the European youth movement.
And much more…
This project is developed by the NGO “Centre of Harmonious Human Development “Lelya” in frames of the project “The Youth Portal of Bukovina”, which is realized in frames of the mini-grants competition, organized by the Bukovina Partnership Agency, and is financed by the Stefan Batory Foundation.
Here you can find a partner for a joint international project, post your announcement, invite young people to join the actions of your organization, and influence the European youth movement in general expressing your own opinion.
There’s lots of useful information, links for the youth who aspires to participate in the civic life and the European youth movement.
And much more…
This project is developed by the NGO “Centre of Harmonious Human Development “Lelya” in frames of the project “The Youth Portal of Bukovina”, which is realized in frames of the mini-grants competition, organized by the Bukovina Partnership Agency, and is financed by the Stefan Batory Foundation.
Ten tekst został nadesłany do portalu. Redakcja nie jest jego autorem.
Teksty opublikowane na portalu prezentują wyłącznie poglądy ich Autorów i Autorek i nie należy ich utożsamiać z poglądami redakcji. Podobnie opinie, komentarze wyrażane w publikowanych artykułach nie odzwierciedlają poglądów redakcji i wydawcy, a mają charakter informacyjny.