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Sejm Speaker Marek Borowski met with representatives of non-governmental organizations
redakcja, Greg Czarnecki (transalation)
On March 6th there was a meeting with NGO representatives and the Speaker
The meeting was attended by Ewa Szymczak (Association for the FIP), Jan Jakub Wygnański (Association for the FIP), Witold Monkiewicz (Fund for the Development of Local Democracy), Janina Ochojska (Polish Humanitarian Organization), Wiesław Maślanka (Polish Scouting Association), Scholastyka Śniegowska (Polish Red Cross), Piotr Pawłowski (INTEGRATION Association of Friends), and Dariusz Szwed (Environmental Lobbying Support Office).
Issues concerning government bills regarding public service and volunteering as well as possibilities and rules for sustained cooperation with the Parliament were decided upon. The bill will be worked on and modified in a commission along with a package of bills introduced by the Minister of Labor and Social Issues and the Minister of the Economy. The NGO representatives will be invited to take part in the sub-committee work on the bill. Experts from the third sector will sit on the sub-committee and will be on hand to provide advice on current topics.
The NGO leaders also proposed organizing a seminar about the bill which would serve to making Parliament members aware of the problems which affect the third sector and clear up confusions connected with the bill.
Speaker Borowski was interested and expressed a willingness to oversee the activities of the multiparty Parliamentary group which would concern themselves with the details of the third sector and maintain contact with NGO’s.
All NGO’s which are already cooperating with Parliament members may declare their interest in joining this group. Information on Parliament members who want to work with the third sector can be sent to: Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Forum Inicjatyw Pozarządowych: ul. Szpitalna 5/5 00-031 Warszawa, tel. (022)828-91-28 or e-mail:
The text of the bill can be found on and the website of the Sejmu RP.
Issues concerning government bills regarding public service and volunteering as well as possibilities and rules for sustained cooperation with the Parliament were decided upon. The bill will be worked on and modified in a commission along with a package of bills introduced by the Minister of Labor and Social Issues and the Minister of the Economy. The NGO representatives will be invited to take part in the sub-committee work on the bill. Experts from the third sector will sit on the sub-committee and will be on hand to provide advice on current topics.
The NGO leaders also proposed organizing a seminar about the bill which would serve to making Parliament members aware of the problems which affect the third sector and clear up confusions connected with the bill.
Speaker Borowski was interested and expressed a willingness to oversee the activities of the multiparty Parliamentary group which would concern themselves with the details of the third sector and maintain contact with NGO’s.
All NGO’s which are already cooperating with Parliament members may declare their interest in joining this group. Information on Parliament members who want to work with the third sector can be sent to: Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Forum Inicjatyw Pozarządowych: ul. Szpitalna 5/5 00-031 Warszawa, tel. (022)828-91-28 or e-mail:
The text of the bill can be found on and the website of the Sejmu RP.
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