Paryż, Moskwa, Berlin, Warszawa – szacunek dla różnorodności. Paris, Moscow, Berlin, Warsaw - United For Respect
W związku ze zbliżającym się Międzynarodowym Dniem Walki z Faszyzmem i Antysemityzmem przedstawiciele Stowarzyszenia „NIGDY WIĘCEJ” wzięli udział w cyklu międzynarodowych konferencji i spotkań, w trakcie których podkreślali, jaką wartość stanowi szacunek dla różnorodności.
Members of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association have actively promoted the message of respect for diversity through a series of international meetings in the run-up to this year’s International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism.
On 1-2 November, ‘NEVER AGAIN’ representative Rafal Pankowski spoke at the Moscow International Conference on Counteracting Antisemitism organized by the World Jewish Congress, the Russian Jewish Congress, and Moscow city authorities. He led the discussion on countering racism and xenophobia in sports and co-chaired a session on ‘Authority, society and antisemitism’. Other speakers at the conference included, among others, WJC President Ronald Lauder, US State Department Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Ira Forman, Levada Centre director Lev Gudkov, film director Andrei Konchalovsky, and former chess champion Anatoly Karpov.
- ‘I believe chess is largely racism-free today, I want to support your efforts and wish you every success. I hope you will manage to remove hatred from all the sports, including football’ - said Karpov during a meeting with ‘NEVER AGAIN’ members.
Other recent events where ‘NEVER AGAIN’ activities were presented include the ‘Authoritarianism and Nationalism in Europe’ conference held at the Polish Teachers’ Union in Warsaw on 5 November. On 8 November, a ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association representative participated in an expert session about populism in Europe (and in the Americas) hosted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Berlin. On 9 November, ‘NEVER AGAIN’ members Stanislaw Czerczak and Anna Tatar conduct an anti-discrimination training for employees of the Royal Bank of Scotland in Warsaw.
- ‘We are happy to be invited and promote the NEVER AGAIN message to various audiences’ - said Stanislaw Czerczak.
The International Day against Fascism and Antisemitism is an annual commemoration of the ‘Kristallnacht’ pogrom that occurred on 9 November 1938.
The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is a Warsaw-based Eastern European anti-racist educational and monitoring organization established in 1996.